National HGV / LGV Training School with 50, 60 or 90+ locations?

There’s a phrase you might of heard of…. Buyer Beware!
When a company makes a statement about multiple LGV training venues you need to look very carefully at them. Such comments usually come from a Broker or an Agent who doesn’t actually provide the Heavy Goods Driver Training themselves, they’re just a middle-man who facilitates a connection between you and a school of THEIR choosing – and they are charging you Sale Commission Fees (all be it hidden in the overall cost of the course) to do that for you.
You’d be much better off approaching your local Large Goods Vehicle Training Centre yourself. Go direct and save money.
Local schools can help you with a Medical, getting your Provisional LGV entitlement and recommending Theory Learning Material and booking DVSA test appointments quickly – all at very reasonable prices, or indeed at no extra cost other than the fees that the Doctor and DVSA charge.
When you visit the school you can see their premises, see their training vehicles, talk to instructors and speak to the booking office who can answer all your questions.
After all, you need to see what you’re going to get for the money you’re paying.
How many training hours, over how many days, is it 1-to-1, or shared (between how many)? And find out about the practical tests costs – because don’t forget you’ll need to pass your Module 3a Reversing Test before you can sit your Module 3b Driving Test, and there is also your Module 4 the Practical Demonstration Test. And you need to ask about the costs for resits for each test, just in case!
Don’t you just hate it when a training school doesn’t show Prices and Details on their website – what are they trying to hide?
Why can’t ALL schools (and Brokers) be open and transparent about what the course consists of and the price of training and test?
We agree with you. So check out our website
You’ll see all our prices, with all the options and our facilities, clearly visible for everyone to see – nothing is hidden.
So before you pay your money to anyone, do a comparison.
Not just a price comparison. Over the phone – anyone can tell you exactly what you want to hear!
You need to compare Apples with Apples (not Apple with Oranges!) So get the people you’re speaking with to put ALL the details in writing – you’ll be surprise A) how many won’t or can’t, or B) that what seemed a ‘Good Deal’ isn’t quite as good as you first thought once you find out the facts.
If you want a no obligation chat Call Wallace School of Transport in office hours - Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm – on 020 8453 3440