How can I check forklift training certificates and qualifications are approved and recognised by the H & S Executive?

RTITB accredited organisations, like Wallace School of Transport, are required to adhere to strict RTITB guidelines.
Falling short in areas could result in a training organisation losing their accredited status.
Wallace training adheres to the minimum standard set down in L117 Rider Operated Lift Trucks: Operator Training and Safe Use. | If non-accredited training is delivered it is harder, in the eyes of the law, to prove that it has met the required standard. |
Wallace facilities and equipment used for training are of an approved standard | Non-accredited facilities and equipment maybe inferior. |
Wallace training is provided by a qualified and registered instructor who has undergone regular independent examination of their competence to deliver this type of training | Non-accredited organisations may use an instructor who may be qualified but it does not mean that the training is being delivered correctly, or at a standard to meet the required high levels of L117 |
Wallace instructors are registered as working for accredited organisations, and must attend raining and assessments on a regular basis to ensure effectiveness and personal development | Non-accredited organisations do not guarantee that their instructor has continued their personal development of that they are up-to-date on current methods, standards and legislation |
Wallace adds successful operators on to the RTITB/NORS certified database of training records. | No guarantee of training records with no NORS registration, so no way of checking if qualifications are genuine or recognised. |
All companies must ensure their operators have received training to meet the companies’ regulatory responsibilities, this could be delivered in three ways.
- Training On-site:
- Could be provided by a member of staff (non-accredited)
- Or, by hiring a Wallace instructor to deliver training at your premises and train your operators on site (accredited)
- In-centre: Operators attend Wallace’s dedicated training centre, either paying for their own training, or being sponsored by their employer.
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation (PUWER) state that employers have a responsibility to ensure everyone operating their machines receives adequate training for the purposes of health and safety. HSE provides guidance on this: ACoP L117 Rider Operated Lift Trucks: Operator Training and Safe Use.
Employers, or individuals sponsoring their own training, can feel confident that when a training provider meets RTITB standards and issues NORS certificates then the right information and training will be provided.
With Wallace, every individual operator’s application is submitted to RTITB’s NORS database which is checked and validated to ensure compliance with required standards.
You can rest assured that accrediting through the UK’s leading Accreditation Body and an approved training school that you will be in safe hands.