Continuous Professional Development for Transport Managers

A Transport Managers role should not be viewed as a simple “tick box” requirement. Indeed, the position holds several very important responsibilities which include ensuring the company that they work for meets all legal requirements, for their drivers and their vehicles.
Rules and regulations do change. Keeping a watchful eye to constantly review latest updates and future legislative changes are a must. And therefore, Transport Managers must keep their knowledge refreshed through Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Continuous Professional Development is any learning or training, either formal or informal, which is undertaken to enhance professional skills. And it is always a good idea to document any CPD activities, regardless of how informal they are, to prove such to any authorities should the need arise.
There are many ways to build your CPD portfolio, including workshops, online learning, informal discussions, reading haulage journals and publications, subscribing to industry specific resources and attending training courses and conferences.
In the context of Transport Management, the more formal options include completing Transport Manager Certificate of Professional Competence (TMCPC) which includes two exams, Operator Licence Awareness Training (OLAT) and Operator Licence Competence Refresher (OLCR).
Wallace School of Transport can support you by arranging Transport Manager Courses which are fully accredited by OCR and provide evidence of training for your CPD file upon successful completion.
Although there is no legal requirement for Transport Managers to carry out CPD refreshers within a set time limit, the Traffic Commissioner’s Office expects all TM’s to have evidence of CPD activity at least every five years.
When was the last update in your CPD portfolio?
To find out more about our TMCPC, OLAT and OLCR courses click here